Lime Pointing in Cornwall

lime pointing in Cornwall lime pointing specialist Cornwall

There is a wealth of historic walling here in Cornwall. Typically, we have natural stone walling and cob walling and when it comes to preserving our heritage, acute knowledge of the historic built environment is essential. For example, if one requires advice or information about cob walls, a cob specialist in Cornwall is called upon…..and the same should be said for our stone-built heritage. Let’s put this into a bit more context. There are now many contractors who can introduce lime pointing to old stone walling….the application is pretty straight forward. But how many actually know why the stone wall needs lime pointing? What benefits does lime pointing stone walls  in Cornwall deliver? Whilst no particular specialist skills are required to lime point old walls in Cornwall, specialist knowledge is crucial.

lime pointing in Cornwall lime pointing specialist in Cornwall

A combination of lime pointing in Cornwall and cob

As a company that has provided historic building preservation for the past 25 years, our lime pointing in Cornwall continues to deliver. With expert knowledge of the materials used, combined with local and county trends you can be assured that all your expectations for lime pointing in Cornwall are recognised.

lime pointing in Cornwall lime pointing specialist Cornwall

Lime pointing in Cornwall to a former mining chimney

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