An Introduction to our Heritage Assessment Criteria
This Heritage Assessment has been produced in accordance with Historic England good practice advice by implementing historic environment policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). For accurate assessment of the significance of this heritage asset, appropriate expertise has been adopted and Historic Environment Records (that may include Conservation Area and/or Townscape Appraisals etc) have been sourced and/or utilised. Their recording for this Heritage Assessment is demonstrated throughout to support this application and provide a furthering of understanding for all sponsors.
The commentary in this document, in accordance with the NPPF and Sections 7 – 10 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, provides the information required in support of applications for listed building consent. Activities to conserve this asset are proportionate to its significance, and the content herein may be more than or no more than is necessary to expect an informed decision.
To accord with the NPPF and Sections 7 – 10 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, the inclusion of an assessment of significance and justification should inform you to an extent necessary to understand the potential impact/s, either positive and/or negative, of the proposal/s and to a level of thoroughness proportionate to the importance of this asset whose fabric and/or setting may or may not be affected.
All historic buildings, both designated and non-designated, illustrate a degree of historic interest. Proportionately, these interests vary in significance. In accord with NPPF (paragraph 141) and where appropriate, undiscovered and/or unrecorded findings or potential loss associated with this asset have been documented and/or investigated (min), examined and/or recorded by an accredited organisation or individual and their findings may be (if applicable) included within this document. The importance of the asset or interest and analysis is to be published, placed in the Historic Environment Record and properly archived. Note: the requirement to record, advance further understanding and archive is to be proportionate to the nature of the significance of the asset or interest to be harmed or lost.
Leslie has over 20 years of experience within the building conservation and preservation sector and is an active practitioner in many areas. Having accumulated a wealth of knowledge and proficiency from practise, investigation and continued research, he has structured and delivered Heritage Assessments for many years.
Recognised by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) for his extensive experience within the historic built environment, reflects how essential it is to not only possess a comprehensive understanding of historic building mediums and techniques but to influence and shepherd good practice through guidance and application.
Ongoing CPD demonstrates a non-complacent stance and displays a dedication to continual study of peripheral awareness, interpretation and appreciation. This allows Leslie to offer a holistic approach, encompassing regulatory directives as well as current legislation.